p o u l e t p a s s p o r t

Poulet Passport World Cuisine

Over the years since the Spanek family invented the vertical poultry roaster category, we've helped make the "perfect poulet" easy for millions of customers all over the world — and in traveling all over the world as vertical roasting ambassadors, we've become Marco Polos of world seasonings, with visas on every page of our Poulet Passports.

Because the seasonings make the dish. From Asian peppers and ginger to the garlic and rosemary tastes of Europe, to our magic American spice blend, to the warm taste of southwestern "dry fire" Latin spices, our Spanek magic seasonings create the tastes of world cuisine.

We started with an American blend, and found that it was good all over the world — everywhere our customers live — when the orders started coming in, and kept coming in. It has the accent of paprika that perfectly browns your bird. Get yourself a Poulet Passport of your own -- start with the American blend the way we did, then travel the culinary world. Our world cuisine seasoning four-pack is your ticket to begin your travels — with more countries expanding your world of flavors every day!

Single jar sale prices are designed to be added to your Vertical Roaster wire orders. They were designed to go hand in hand. No matter what country you visit, just add it to your cart.

When ordering seasonings by themselves, choose twin packs, sets of four in 3 oz or 6 oz, or large 27 oz jars to save on freight costs.

(Tip: Don't throw away the seal under the cap when you open your spice. Keep your seasonings fresh for months by putting the seal back when twisting the cap back onto the jar. Seasoning blends do not need to be refrigerated. Just follow the golden rules. For more recipes and tips, go to the Vertical planet on our home page.)

Visit our Seasonings pages and enjoy!

Copyright © Spanek, Inc.