welcome to spanek/kteh
where fine food ... | finds fine wine ... | finds fine art ... |
finds fine travel ... | finds fine music ... | finds fine real estate ... |
... and funds fine television. |
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Funding Fine Television
Years ago I had the honor and pleasure of working with and serving as translator for the great French master chef Maurice Cazalis. We toured the finest cooking schools, and visited his protegés (who had become master chefs in their own right at five-star restaurants and even at the White House). Maurice became my mentor, and we became great friends. With his help and his recipes, his encouragement and his introductions to other great chefs, I was able to bring my family's invention, the Spanek Vertical Roaster, to chefs around the world. He taught me how to become an ambassador for my family's culinary innovations.
One evening I asked him, "Maurice — how can I ever repay you for your generosity?"
I will never forget what he told me. "Denis," he said, when you have made the Spanek name well-known in our world of cuisine ... simply remember to help the next generation. "
I have taken that to heart, and one of the best ways I've found to "help the next generation" is by supporting high-quality public television. That's why part of every purchase you make here is donated to public broadcasting ... to help educate the next generation to the arts .
(Where fine food finds fine wine ... finds fine art ... finds fine real estate ... finds the quality of life.)
I think the older generation, the ones who have passed on, the ones who taught us well, would be proud of what we're doing today. Somehow, in some way, everyone needs to give back a little.
Thank you again, Mom and Dad. Thank you, Maurice. We will never forget. We will always be grateful. And we'll carry on the tradition.
Denis Spanek
"Denis, when you have made the Spanek name well-known in our world of cuisine ... simply remember to help the next generation ."