Carving a Vertical Bird
with Denis Spanek
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Spanek Carving Boards have specially designed rings so your
bird does not slip while carving. Three different size rings
fit all the different size roasters.
"Once you carve vertically you'll thank me. "


- 1 -
Remove the Legs and Thighs
Push the leg down where the drumstick meets the thigh.
Cut through the joint where the thigh is attached to the body,
removing leg and thigh. Separate thigh from the drumstick.


 - 2 -
Remove the Neck Cavity
To remove the neck cavity, cut just below the
following the line of the wishbone. If the bird is
stuffed, this is the time to remove it.


 -3 -
Remove the Wings
Cut down one side of the breast bone and across
the ribs, pulling down the breast half.
Repeat with the other side.


 - 4 -
Put the breast half on the cutting board, cut-side down.
Hold top of breast with with hand or fork.
Slice thinly, cutting away from you.

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