New Product combinations ... Specials!
Just in time for the holidays!
From The Vertical Roaster Division
Roaster / Book Combo - great for students and young adults
"Stress Free Cooking" Book, Vertical Roaster & Seasoning Combo!
From the Seasoning Blend Division
Special add on items for multiple Christmas list orders to make each gift special!
Seasoning Specials ....For our loyal ... All Natural Seasoning folks
From the Art to the Table Dining Adventure Area Classics & New!
Fish Platters.... Here's a special.... If you've ordered from us before....
And there's even more information now in our new Recipe Blog area.
New Holiday Tips & Recipes Blog ... Cost savings recipes.
Updated Mini Movies and recipe guide... Prep, temp guides, etc.
Gift giving discounts for the holidays and beyond (Super Bowl Turkey!)
Keepers in Time specials ... Mini prints, Litho's, Giclees Original resale ... All Artists!
Keepers In time! Table top and Artist Divisions
The creative book “Where’s Mom Now That I Need Her?” inspired by his Mom, author Kent Frandsen has written and rewritten over the years essential tips and tricks that everyone should know. It’s not just a cookbook, but rather a practical guide with all the little things you should have taken notes on before leaving home. Our vertical roaster entry was added some years ago and can now be found on Page 123. Click to Shirley's review of this book.
We were one of her favorite chicken recipes, and very honored to be included in the book. So here’s a special just for you.
For those younger folks leaving home or those of us that have special diet or medical needs. We've put together a couple of Special Gift giving combo packs to save you money and make your life easier.
A choice of two great books: The 'Where's Mom Now That I Need Her', a $18.95 value, or the 'Stress Free Cooking' book, a $19.95 value.
Add any one of those two books to our Vertical Chicken & Duck Chrome Roaster and our favorite Seasoning Blend in a 6 oz. jar. What great gift ideas.
A total value for all three items is over $50 ... All for just $39.95!
We're ready for your call now!
*Recipe sheets included. To reduce shipping costs large retail poster is not included.
Well known for her "Stress Free Cooking" shows and the author of numerous American Diabetes cookbooks, Barbara has been a vertical roaster advocate for many years now.
We formed an alliance to bring you her easy recipes and guidelines toward better health for you, your family, and your loved ones. Click to learn more about Barbara and her book.
If you wish her book “Stress Free Cooking book covering “Healthy Delicious & Beautiful Food,” we’ll include it for the same price combination of $39.95. Barbara’s book is valued @ $19.95 in most book stores, but your combo price is the same as “Where’s Mom book.” Get a few of each for the holidays for the kids who are now on their own and perhaps one for Mom and Dad who now need the diabetes healthy approach to life.
So the bottom line is this…Do your creative gift giving this season with us. Perhaps you have a young one off to college with his or her own apartment and roommates. So, send them off with a couple of Spanek Vertical Roasters and a couple jars of seasoning so they can feed a whole group. This is budget minded, as well as a healthy and tasty meal. The Where’s Mom book is a bonus providing lots of great tips on all levels when they’re living on their own. It’s a must read book!
Here’s the formula: for college bound kids….it makes sense. Lots of testimonials from these folks. Learn how to feed a family of four for under $10 (Total food expense).
Grocery Items:
Total = $8.86 ………..and there’s even something left for dessert.
Then if you have parents that are in their older age bracket with health issues or even diabetes send along the Barbara Seelig Brown recipe cookbook. Either way we can organize up some fun combinations for you.
Let us know if you want to flip into a turkey roaster instead or add one, or game hens for entertaining, or one of our universal meat/ham racks. Just give us a call and we’ll work out the numbers for you. We answer our own phones and would be happy to deal with you directly.
Our on-line site is there for your ease in ordering, but one on one, we can creatively work with your gift list adding extra perks such as personally autographed and dedicated cookbook for that special person.
How do you take advantage? Just call us…408 446-3000.
The basic cost for one combo pack is $39.95 for the Chrome Spanek Vertical Chicken Roaster), a 6 Oz jar of the All American Blend, and any one of the cookbooks…. While supply lasts, we are here for you.
The Spanek Vertical Chicken Roaster will cook - simply and easily, the best poultry you’ve ever had. It’s an investment that will last a lifetime! Also, if you want to add in a meat rack or the veggie racks we can do that. We can mix and match the price points for you. Just give us a call. We can do different packs for different family folks.
The Poulet Passport Story:
The Spanek Family has been vertically roasting since the 1950’s.
The simple Eiffel tower wire design for chicken and duck invented by our parents, George and Anna grew into all kind of different roasting rack sizes for Quail, Game Hens, Turkey.
The simplicity of the racks, was to sear in the natural juices, through the various wire configurations, cook the birds evenly all the way around vertically, and drip any excess fat to the bottom of the pan….
As the years wore on, George and Anna’s son, Denis, traveled the world extensively, became the Spanek ambassador and set out to share the flavor and taste, of actually cooking a chicken in its own natural juices…on television shows wordwide. Millions of vertical roasters were sold.
When the Chefs that Denis met in those various countries discovered all that natural juices the product delivered, it seemed only natural to blend different herbal essences, seasonings from those countries with the natural juices of the poultry…
The “ Poulet Passport tradition” was born…
Every country has its special seasoning and spices that those countries were known for. Once you have a vertical roaster and a chicken, all you need to enjoy those natural world country flavors are 100% percent all natural seasonings. Perfectly blended natural ingredients low in sodium, help you to enjoy the journey to those countries…you can now travel the world and play Marco Polo. Right in your own kitchen!
So join us, let’s go off to “Europe” together with our Euro Blend. Or cross the border with our Latino families blend, or Asia with our Asian blend.
The American blend is a stable, and used with all the countries. It’s the original blend with the right hint of paprika to color and brown the outside of the poultry.
These blends along with some fresh variety mushrooms, crumbled bleu cheeses and/or peppers, fruits and vegetables make the poultry amazing. The creativity is endless and they are so many facets to this culinary adventure.
Welcome aboard…enjoy our travels and our world. We are going to be introducing more flavors and countries as we move along. So take the journey with us as we create an on-line cookbook to enhance your poulet passport.
See all versatile ways to use this veggie rack. Not only for various vegetables, but incredible in preparing vertical chicken & turkey legs.
Go to Shirley's Corner to learn more!
Or go to our store and get some!
You've loved the magic in cooking with the Spanek Vertical Roaster, as well as our seasoning blends, so now let us share our discovery in preparing fish. The word "gyotaku" means fish rubbing. Long ago before photography, the Japanese fishermen wanted to catalog the beauty & uniqueness of their harvest. Skilled artists used this special technique in taking a whole fish which they inked/painted and then placing rice paper over the fish. The artist would then gently apply pressure to capture the exquisite design of each variety of fish.
In our travels, we licensed an artist who was schooled in this technique and then we went to Portugal (one of the best ceramic countries) to have platters made using his images. Not only are they a thing of beauty, but you can cook on them since they can go up to 500 degrees. Fantastic fat free prep for the catch of the day.
Each platter comes complete with recipes and the story behind the artist.
This special is…. Get one at the regular price and get the second one you might like to keep or give as a gift at 1/2 price…. Yes ½ price…get two or more sets and we’ll add in the complete set of seasoning blends. We did these for QVC London over 20 years ago and this is the last of this inventory in time. Made in Portugal, the product is functional and decorative providing beautiful table presentation when serving sushi, lox and bagels, etc…. Magnificent!
As many of you know over the last 40 plus years we represented and licensed the artwork of famous Artists: Andre Renoux, Guy Buffet, Robert Lyn Nelson, Pierre Barraya, Sarah Clementson, Deborah Haeffele, Gaylord Soli, Greg Aragon and many others……to name a few.
As the years have moved on we managed to keep and store many of the classic Lithos, Giclees and prints for these artists in our time warp locker. And in some instances we produced the entire editions, and released only a few every year. These image selections were based on the success of our” L’art Pour la Table/Table top collections which we still have some collections of as well.
So check out the art planets to see what we still have in stock, and if we don’t have what you are looking for let us know. We may know where to get one of the images you are looking for as we keep a log of who bought what/ when in time.
“We are only keepers in time to any artwork we own. And somewhere along the line as people pass on, a new caretaker takes the place of the old one. So today in time we do re-sales of those famous original artist images, especially originals and popular litho and giclees. There are great opportunities out there and we have connections to help you find that special piece. Just ask us or email.
Allow us to help create or solve your unique gift giving dilemmas. We can provide perfect poultry preparation, decorative fish platters for that special catch, distinctive seasoning blends of the world, and amazing dining adventures with placements and coasters by renowned artists. Our customer base is our extended family, so we are here for you!
Guy Buffet's
"Burgundy - A Celebration of Life"
This image has found a home with some of the world's most famous chefs, sommeliers, and restaurants, as well as the top wine cellars of the world.
The edition has been exclusively distributed through the Spanek family's travels and friendships over the years since 1992.
Guy Buffet's "Burgundy" will complement any wine cellar, restaurant, home, chateau or office, especially if you love wine. Call Denis for more about this delightful story. His number is 408.446.3000.
And from the 100 Year Celebration of Champs Elysee Collection 1992.
We are releasing 12 Guy Buffet Champs Elysee Trays along with the memory collectible book. $199.00
Visit the Gallery Planet L’art pour la Table section for past collectibles.
As the original creators of the vertical roasting category (now celebrating 41 years in the industry), our Spanek Vertical Roaster success led us into a tabletop product line.
Over the years of promoting the virtues of vertical roasting (both here and aboard) a culinary philosophy was born.
Every country we visited delighted us in our discovery that each region had their own signature recipe and seasoning blend that was the perfect complement to our vertical roaster concept.
In working with master chefs who graciously shared their provincial specialties we realized that we had been given a "Poulet Passport" so to speak.
Now the Spanek Vertical Roaster had wings.
Much like Marco Polo bringing home exotic flavors indicative to the world's cuisine.
We’re excited to have a refreshing new platform to present to our retailers.
Fine food finds fine wine, finds fine art, finds fine friends. This was the formula which evolved into "L'Art Pour La Table" ... meaning "Art to the Table".
During our travels we were fortunate in meeting world renowned artists and licensing their unique images to create a tabletop product line.
In 1993 artist Andre` Renoux captured the charming streets of London bringing alive the magic and intrique of classic pubs. The images chosen for this London Pub Combo Collection were: Lowndes Arms, The Opera Tavern, Mr. Bill Bentley and The Loose Vine.
This dining adventure series includes: 1 serving tray (Lowndes Arms) and 4 dinner mats and 4 coasters.
The tray also serves as a convenient decorative display to store your mats when not in use, rather than being tucked away in a drawer for no one to enjoy. You can simply rotate the dinner mats inside to change the pub image.
With this visual dining experience created through our placemats and coasters, we added a recipe booklet to help inspire you to create a bit of typical pub fare to enhance your entertaining or your theme-party evening. Menu includes Hampshire Watercress Soup, Lancashire Hot Pot, Sheppard’s Pie, Stuffed Cornish Hens, Yorkshire pudding and Bread & Butter Pudding. It even has some pub facts and a la Table Talk (British trivia) to share with your guests.
This collectible series is perfect to enhance the dining experience, adding the lore of London pubs and a legendary glimpse of days of old.
Other past collections can be viewed through this link.
Robert Lyn Nelson
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
One of America's foremost young artists, Nelson, can't remember when he didn't paint. Born in Upland California in 1955, his father was an artist who began teaching Nelson to draw at the age of four. When most youngsters are still struggling through ninth grade, Robert Lyn Nelson was awarded a full scholarship to Mount San Antonio College in Pomona, California. Less than two years later his paintings were selling for hundreds of dollars.
Like many contemporary artists, Nelson experimented with abstract art, but found that it was cold and unfulfilling. He finally turned to realism and found that it allowed him to paint truer visions of life. Being an outdoors person, his paintings now reflected his natural interest in nature.
From his love of the sea came wonderful whales and dolphins, which earned him an international reputation. He was the first fine artist to focus on marine life. Nelson developed the innovative and popular "two-worlds" image, which has been widely imitated. Nelson's view of the world around him is as distinct as his style. He may combine ocean life from different parts of the world, or add stars and planets to complete an image. All become properties of his imagination. The details of his "underwater-scapes" come alive with the color of exotic fishes, plant life and natural light. You can almost hear the whale songs or catch a glimpse of the giant sea turtles as it glides silently through the water.
Hawaii’s fabulous legacy artist.
Robert Lyn Nelson famous Hawaii artist, the whole complete set of tray / mats and coaster. As created back in 1994
Priced at $248.00 for the Tray 4 Dinner mats/ 4 coasters, just want the mats & coasters? Call us.
We have many folks that frame and mount these classic pieces in their Hawaii condo rentals, They're durable and classic above and below the water scene, some folks even drill a hole through them and make clocks of them…. The ingenuity never stops when you have a classic collection like this. When not in use as a dining adventure experience to decorate your Table, store them in the tray and showcase on the cadenza.
For those of you that have ordered before call us with your code numbers for those extra specials. You're family to us, 63 years worth.
PHONE: 408-446-3000
EMAIL: ● ©2020.06.08